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AIMP 3.00.985

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AIMP 3.00.985 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

AIMP 3.00.985  更改日志

- Localizations were updated
- Fixed: Player isn't able to use WASAPI for outputting on Windows 8
- Fixed: Player does not play short files completely
- Fixed: Small scratches can be heard on jumping from one track to another when equalizer is switched on
- Fixed: Incorrect information about bitrate is displayed for some radio stations
- Fixed: Windows Explorer does not display data from tags of file in WMA Lossless format after they've been edited by AIMP
- Fixed: DropWheel window is painted incorrectly in AIMP2 skins
- Fixed: File mark does not display in playlist when AIMP2 skin is used
- Fixed: Incorrect information about file format is displayed in Quick Tag Editor in some cases
- Fixed: Incorrect information about bitrate and duration is displayed for some files in OGG format
- Fixed: Files are added in backward order when they are adding via "Find new files" dialog
- Fixed: Some problems with TrayControl behavior
- Fixed: Player starts playback of switched off tracks when jumping to another playlist via hotkeys
- Fixed: Small bugs and defects

AIMP 3 构建


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