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BitComet 0.71

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BitComet 0.71  更改日志

GUI Improved: Add "Move file to..." function to task list context menu
GUI Improved: Add task catalog manage functions to "download complted" task queue context menu in favorites list
GUI Improved: Add task catalog set and locate functions to task list context menu
GUI Improved: Improve task list display algorithm, decrease CPU usage
GUI Improved: Add Half-Open TCPIP connection limitation modafication for Windows XP SP2, in Preferences dialog
GUI Improved: redesign "tast automatic stop" settings in Preferences dialog
GUI Improved: remove task pause, resume operation
GUI Improved: remove "Global Log" window, in which the infomation displayed is merged into "Statistics" window
GUI Improved: Improved crash report program, send crash report to server directly instead of using email
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the BCTP link is not displayed correctly if opened from internal browser in BitComet
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the music in webpage of video play window does not stopped after video play starts
Core Improved: no longer depends on MSXML3, no need to install MSXML3 in windows 98
Core Improved: improved file piece request algorithm, increase the launch speed of online video play
Core Improved: more program run-time error can be detected by the crash report
Core change: Chat, Proxy, NAT Traversal via UDP, IP block rules is removed temporarily
Core Improved: kernal code reconstruction

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