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CCleaner 2.06.567

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CCleaner 2.06.567 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

CCleaner 2.06.567  更改日志

- Added Google Firefox Toolbar history cleaning.
- Winapp.ini is now embedded in the main EXE.
- Added ability to override default embedded INI files with:
winsys1.ini, winreg1.ini and winapp1.ini.
- Updated ability to append to default embedded INI files with:
winsys2.ini, winreg2.ini and winapp2.ini.
- Updated system info code to support Win2k8.
- Improved IE History cleaning with .DAT files.
- Improved accessibility features of treeview control.
- Removal of version history from About screen.
- Options section checkboxes resized to fit caption text.
- GUI tweaks including Piriform logo change.
- Minor performance improvements.

CCleaner 2 构建

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