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eMule 0.45b

10,062 下载

eMule 0.45b 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

eMule 0.45b  更改日志

  • Fixed a bug related to the udp-server protocol which could emule let drop packets or if malicious crafted freeze [kry]
  • The downloadwindow now remembers the 4 last sort orders and uses them as secondary sort orders
  • A displaybug in the uploadwindow has been fixed
  • A problem which caused eMule to call the onlinehelp even if an appropriate helpfile was available has been fixed[cml]

Ornis: Fixed lowercased path entries in the shared files list

Ornis: Fixed issue with autoresum after file completion

Ornis: Fixed secure identitfication statistics with a >100% entry

eMule 0 构建

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