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FrostWire 5.3.6

1,590 下载

FrostWire 5.3.6 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

FrostWire 5.3.6  更改日志

* Full support for .m4a audio files (thumbnails, seek)
* AAC downloads from YouTube.
* Fixes issue with search suggestions where the popup wouldn't hide correctly.
* Chinese, Korean character display fixed for Windows and Linux (Gnome only)
* Fixes issue where it was hard to select more than one search result for batch downloads.
* Fixes issue with search results from Now downloads are started using magnet links instead of .torrents.
* Supports dragging files from transfer manager. Useful to send files to iTunes as soon as transfers are done.
* Adds links to Facebook and Google Plus pages on status bar.
* Single file search results now are launched on double click.

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