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# New Features
* IPv6 support
- LogMeIn Hamachi supports IPv6 network protocol.
# Enhancements
* LogMeIn Hamachi2 renamed
- LogMeIn Hamachi² has been renamed to LogMeIn Hamachi.
* Exit menu item was missing from system tray menu
- The Exit menu item was removed from the system tray menu in the previous Hamachi or Mac release. It is now re-added to the system tray menu.
# Fixes
* Join network window lost focus
- The Join into a network window lost focus if the client’s join request was approved in another network in the meantime.
* Collapse/expand icon did not change from keyboard (+/-), the icon does not align
- The collapse/expand icon did not change on the client user interface if you toggled a network with the +/- keys on the keyboard.
* Gateway network issues
The following errors occurred in gateway networks:
- In some cases, network adapters were not displayed in the Start > Control Panel > Network Connections window if the gateway client either left the gateway network or changed its role to member. In this case, the network bridge of the gateway network was removed.
- The client engine unexpectedly stopped running if a member’s role was changed to Gateway on the LogMeIn website.

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