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IsoBuster 3.0

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# Newly supported disks / drives:
* Thumb / Flash drives
* SD disks / drives
* Compact disks / drives
* MMC disks / drives
* SSD disks / drives
* Jaz disks / drives
* Zip disks / drives
* Floppy disks / drives
* HD disks / drives
* And more ...
# Newly supported File System:
# On optical media (CD, DVD, BD) we are accustomed to the concept of Sessions and Tracks. On all these newly supported disks, logical volumes (file-systems) are put into Partitions, not Sessions. IsoBuster supports, just like you were used to with Sessions using IsoBuster:
* All Windows / DOS / Macintosh / HFS Partitions are immediately shown
* All the file-system(s) in those partitions are immediatly shown
* You can use all the features you normally would use on tracks and sessions, but now on partitions.
* You can do data recovery pretty much the exact same way as on optical
* Forensics investigators will love the easy overview of all partitions and all file systems
* See sector per sector content with Sector View
* Extract portions of the media
* Support for UDF, FAT, NTFS, HFS(+) on any partition
* Etc.

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