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MyDefrag 3.35

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MyDefrag 3.35  更改日志

- Upgraded to the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 compiler.
- Logfile is now written in UTF-8, it used to be ANSI.
- Changed the default font into a smaller font.
- A change in the display code to respond faster to multiple redraw requests, for example when the users resizes the window.
- Rewrite of the subroutine that finds combinations of files to fill a gap, to make it faster.
- Changed the algorithm for \"-a 6\" (move to end of disk) to better fill gaps.
- Changed the way disks are accessed to accomodate special kinds of disks, such as virtual and encrypted disks.
- Bugfix in the screensaver for very long commandlines.
- Change in the disk analyzation code to fix a \"zero bytes per cluster\" problem.

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