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Paint.NET 3.20

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Paint.NET 3.20  更改日志

  • Rectangle Select tool can now draw selections based on a Fixed Size or Fixed Ratio setting.
  • The selection combination mode is now accessible from the toolbar (Replace, Add, Subtract, Invert ("xor")).
  • The "flood mode" for the Magic Wand and Paint Bucket tool are now accessible from the toolbar (Continuous, or Global).
  • Reorganized the Effects menu so that all effects are classified under submenus named Artistic, Blurs, Distort, Noise, Photo, Render, and Stylize.
  • Improved rendering quality for the Motion Blur effect.
  • Enhanced the Radial Blur effect so that the center of blurring can be chosen, as well as the quality.
  • Enhanced the Zoom Blur effect so that the center of zooming can be chosen.
  • Enhanced the Bulge distortion effect so that the center of "bulging" can be chosen.
  • Enhanced the Frosted Glass distortion effect in several ways: 1) performance has been improved from between 1,000% to 10,000% depending on image size and property settings, 2) the scatter radius can now be set up to 200 pixels, 3) a "minimum" scatter radius can be chosen, 4) a smoothness setting is now available.
  • Enhanced the Tile Reflection distortion effect by adding a Quality property.
  • Enhanced the Twist distortion effect by 1) allowing counter-clockwise twisting, 2) allowing the size of the twisted area to be configured, 3) allowing the location/center of twisting to be chosen.
  • Enhanced the Add Noise effect by adding a "coverage" property.
  • New Mandelbrot Fractal and Julia Fractal render effects.
  • New IndirectUI system for plugin authors so that they can develop much more sophisticated effect configuration dialogs with a fraction of the amount of work that used to be required.
  • If an effect plugin crashes, it is much more likely that Paint.NET will be able to recover from the error.
  • The option to restart Paint.NET will then be provided as a recommended course of action.
  • If an effect plugin fails to load, or is blocked from loading, then a "View Plugin Load Errors..." item will be added to the File menu which can be clicked on to show the error and/or diagnostic information.
  • Improved the cursors for the Magic Wand and Paint Bucket tools.
  • Ctrl+Alt+0 now works for View->Actual Size (aka, "Zoom to 100%"), which is a shortcut key that other software uses (e.g., Photoshop).
  • Updates are now installed faster by only creating one System Restore point instead of two (it used to implicitly create one for uninstall, then one for the reinstall).
  • Lots of little bug fixes.

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