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SnagIt 7.0.3

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SnagIt 7.0.3 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

SnagIt 7.0.3  更改日志

  • OneClick settings are now saved upon Windows shutdown.
  • Added a "Tell a Friend" menu item to the Help menu.
  • Updated the IE add-in to use XP style controls on Windows XP.
  • Changed the order of the menu items for the Edit menu in the Preview Window.
  • Changed the edit box label of the Proxy server and Port setting in the Web Output tab dialog.
  • Fixed the annotation filter to correctly handle long strings with no spaces.
  • Fixed the menu highlight color not following the Windows color scheme.
  • Fixed the enumeration values for the COM Server's printer scaling method.
  • Fixed a problem saving files with long filenames in Snagit Studio.

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