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The GIMP 2.2.14

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The GIMP 2.2.14  更改日志

- avoid crashing on newer versions of the winicon format (bug #352899)
- fixed crash in Postscript plug-in (bug #353381)
- fixed handling of TABs in the text tool (bug #353132)
- fixed bug in Depth Merge plug-in (bug #355219)
- fixed bug in GimpDrawablePreview widget (bug #353639)
- fixed bug in Line Nove script (bug #357433)
- fixed bug in Ripple plug-in (bug #357431)
- save locale independent files from Fractal Explorer plug-in (bug #360095)
- fixed bug in Super Nova plug-in (bug #340073)
- be more robust against broken XCF files (bug #357809)
- fixed drawing issues in Image Map plug-in (bug #311621)
- fixed smoothing option in Fractal Explorer plug-in (bug #372671)
- load channels in the proper order when opening an XCF file (bug #378003)
- deal with floating selections in the Burn-In Animation script (bug #384096)
- fixed clipping in the GimpPreviewArea widget (bug #392692)
- fixed a potential crash in gimp-remote (bug #392111)
- work around a file-chooser problem on Windows (bug #398726)
- fixed markup of the gimp(1) manual page (bug #401145)
- fixed the fix for the right-to-left layout in layers dialog (bug #348347)
- fixed PSD save plug-in on 64bit architectures (bug #335130)
- added missing dependency in gimpui-2.0.pc file (bug #356394)
- fixed a crash in the PSD save plug-in (bug #395385)
- improved robustness of transform tool preview code (bug #420595)
- improved forward compatibility of XCF loader (bug #316207)
- don't crash in the Compressor plug-in if files can't be opened (bug #422444)
- fixed sensitivity of input fields in the Lighting plug-in (bug #359833)

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