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XChat 2.8.5

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XChat 2.8.5  更改日志

* The userlist and treeview can now be placed on the same side, with a resize handle in between them. They can also be dragged and dropped into place.
* The resize handles between two panes are now smaller (3 pixels) and invisible.
* Scrollbars are now placed inside the frame they scroll (more Windows like).
* If you have a tree on one side and userlist on the other, they'll both now have a resize handle, previously the tree's size was fixed.
* The userlist can be hidden and shown with CTRL+F7.
* Added a feature that reloads conversations from last time you used XChat (/set text_replay 0 to disable it).
* /MENU now supports a $CHAN root aswell (see plugin20.html).
* Fixed a problem some people were having with minimize to tray (the feature added in 2.8.3e).
* Fixed /LastLog printing everything twice if you had Indented Nicks off.
* Added /set gui_tweaks for GUI fine tunning.
* A better quit dialog which warns you if you're connected to IRC or have active file transfers.
* The Channel List's minimum users spin-button can now be set downward even on networks that sent a list of channels of only a larger size. In this case the Download button will flash to indicate you need to download a new list.
* Fixed bug: [1737249] Doesn't recognize nicks with halfop mode on hovering.

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