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Notepad++ 5.6.1

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Notepad++ 5.6.1  更改日志

New features and fixed bugs

  1. Fix brace highlighting breaking issue and related performance problem.
  2. Add new encodings in the shortcuts map.
  3. Remove annoying encoding issue warning dialogs.
  4. Enhance Html encoding auto-detection.
  5. Fix case-insensitive searching bug for non-ascii characters (for example some characters in French and Cyrillic letters).
  6. Add find result commands in the menu.
  7. Add DOS CodePage : CP437, CP737, CP850, CP852, CP855, CP857, CP858, CP860, CP861, CP863, CP865, CP866 and CP869.
  8. Fix localization combo box unselected in preference dialog bug after startup (when a localization file is in use).

Notepad++ v5.6 new features and fixed bugs (from v5.5.1) :

  1. Add languages encoding - Chinese traditional (BIG5), Chinese Simplified (GB2312), Japanese (Shift JIS), Korean (EUC), Thai (TIS-620), Hebrew (iso-8859-8), Hebrew (1255), Central European (1250), Cyrillic (1251), Cyrillic (KOI8-U), Cyrillic (KOI8-R), Cyrillic (Mac), Western European(1252), Greek (1253), Turkish(1254), Arabic (1256), Baltic (1257), Vietnamese (1258), ISO_8859-1 to ISO_8859-16 and a lot of more.
  2. Add auto-detection of HTML and XML files encodings.
  3. Add COBOL, D, Gui4Cli, PowerShell and R language support.
  4. Add Marker Jumper feature (Jump down/up : Ctrl+Num/Ctrl+Shift+Num).
  5. Add indent guide line highlighting for html/xml tags.
  6. Add system tray context menu and new command argument "-systemtray".
  7. Fix Unicode to ANSI encoding bug.
  8. Fix last recent file list menu items localization encoding bug.
  9. Fix last recent file number goes to zero issue.
  10. Add new command argument "--help".
  11. Fix Calltip hint bug and add a new capacity in it.
  12. Add the ability to add the second keyword group for user in both LISP and Scheme languages.
  13. Fix the wrap symbol display problem.
  14. Add SQL ESC symbol '\'.
  15. Fix column editor insert number bug in virtual space mode.
  16. Fix status bar displaying "-2 char" issue for a empty document.
  17. Fix installation of NppShell64 failed issue in installer.

Included plugins (Unicode):

  1. TextFX v0.26
  2. NppExec v0.3.2
  3. Spell Checker v1.3.3
  4. MIME Tools v1.6
  5. NppExport v0.2.8
  6. NppNetNote v0.1
  7. Compare Plugin 1.5.5
  8. Plugin Manager

Included plugins (ANSI):

  1. TextFX v0.25
  2. NppExec v0.3.2
  3. Spell Checker v1.3.3
  4. MIME Tools v1.6
  5. NppExport v0.2.8
  6. Light Explorer v1.5
  7. NppNetNote v0.1
  8. Compare Plugin 1.5.5
  9. Plugin Manager

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