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Notepad++ 5.8.7

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Notepad++ 5.8.7 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Notepad++ 5.8.7  更改日志

  • An annoying regression is fixed in the new release 5.8.7: wrong input characters are inserted due to non modal message boxes.
  • The installer is enhanced in this release: by choosing Minimalist option during installation procedure, user can install or update Notepad++ without any extra component (default value is Custom).
  • This release (except minimalist package) contains the offline user manual in html format (instead of chm file, which was included in the previous releases), it is extracted from the online documentation site with HTTrack. Offline document does not work well under IE6, but it should be OK with the other browsers (tested with IE6/7/8, Firefox and Chrome). I don't agree with chrome's policy to do update automatically without even asking user's permission, but hey Microsoft should do the same, just for IE6.

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